About Me

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I am a food enthousiast. I collect cookbooks and treasure "hand-me-down" recipes. While being concerned with a food budget and my family's health, I have decided to try and add recipes to our meal calendar. This blog is a journal of my great findings, my culinary treasures and the complete kitchen failures that have to happen from time to time.

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Goal of My Blog

First of all, I am not professional cook. I'm a stay-at-home mom that really enjoys cooking and trying out recipes. In our era of pre-packaged edibles, fast-food restaurants at every corner and countless recipes found at the tip of our fingers, the question " What's for dinner mom?" has never had more possible answers. But, all family budgets quickly find their limit and in this current economy home-cooking is more and more appealing.

There is a frugal tip that states that one should not try more than one new recipe per week, as to not cook something tasteless or plain-out gross and have to throw it away. I find this a bit boring and quite frankly, if I'm going to be adding more rice in my diet to cut on the food budget, it better taste awesome and come in different forms, or I'll get bored and run for the phone to call up the pizza-joint on my third bowl of rice in a week. This is where my love for recipe searching comes in handy. There is nothing more pleasant for me than sitting with a cookbook and reading it cover to cover.

I have often been given cookbooks from family and friends, bought some in garage sales and I have also bought some full-price. Some of them have had wonderful recipes, some not. It's hard to judge a recipe by a staged picture and a list of ingredients when you aren't a professional. It's also hard to judge an entire book from one failed recipe or one great meal, which is why I have chosen do write my blog recipe by recipe.

Yours truly
Cynthia Bee

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